Credit demand is expanding at a rapid pace. These days, an increasing number of people are looking for money to cover unforeseen costs. Slice Card is a fast-growing company that offers outstanding credit without requiring additional verification. Slice Pay is a rapidly expanding fintech company that provides loans to people with intermittent income. The Slice Credit Card, which offers rewards on all transactions, was just introduced by Slice. With this credit card, you can get 2% cash back on every purchase. One of the nicest aspects of this card is that there are no yearly or renewal fees. One may get a variety of free perks, such as no-cost EMI, bill splitting, new bargains every week, and more.
Features & Benefits
The Slice credit card offers a range of benefits. You can enjoy the features and benefits that come along with this credit card. Moreover, this credit card allows you to earn points for your purchases. The following are some of the features and benefits of the Slice Credit Card:
- Every transaction generates 2% instant cashback.
- Shop wherever you want and pay for all of your purchases in three months without incurring any additional costs.
- There is a credit limit available ranging from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 10 lakh.
- Slice generates a news story once a week.
- It is accepted by 99.95 percent of merchants around the country.
- Taking notes or adding tags allows one to split costs with friends.
- There are no membership or yearly fees.
Apart from the above mentioned features there are some benefits that come along with this credit card. Here are some of those benefits:
Large Credit Limit
The most significant benefit of using a Slice card is the large credit limit. With a Slice credit card, you can get a credit limit ranging from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 10 lakh.
2% cashback
When using a Slice credit card to make a transaction, you will receive 2% cashback.
No Fuel Cost: If you use your Slice Credit Card to refill your car, you will receive a fuel surcharge waiver of up to Rs. 200 every monthly billing cycle.
No-Cost EMI
A common yet crucial benefit of the Slice card is no-cost EMI. This tool allows users to make purchases from famous eCommerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, and others and have them converted into monthly EMIs.
Simple Monthly Expense Tracking
The Slice mobile app makes it simple to track and manage monthly expenses. In an emergency, money can be transferred from a Slice Credit Card to a bank account.
Fees and Charges
Credit cards include two types of costs: application fees and annual fees. Surprisingly, none of these fees are applicable to Slice credit cards. In a nutshell, this card will be provided for free.
There are various aspects to consider when being charged an additional sum. The associated fees are detailed below in detail. Moreover, there are cash withdrawals and late payment charges that you might have to pay. The late payment and cash withdrawal charges are as follows:
Cash Withdrawal- If you withdraw money from an ATM, you will be charged Rs. 50. Transferring money from an ATM, on the other hand, costs Rs. 25.
Late Payment- If the outstanding balance is not paid by the due date, the full amount will be converted to EMI. Some costs, on the other hand, range from 12% to 15% of the outstanding balance.
Eligibility Criteria of Slice Credit Card
The credit card qualification standards for Slice are largely equivalent to those for other best credit cards in India. The following are the specific conditions that must be met in order to qualify for this card:
- The applicant must be an Indian citizen.
- Must be at least eighteen years old.
- Applicants must be employed, self-employed, or engaged in school.
- A minimum CIBIL score of 740 is necessary.
Furthermore, because there is no minimum credit score requirement for this credit card, newcomers can apply and start their credit journey. Overall, the Slice Credit Card is a good choice for anybody over the age of 18 who want to start building their credit.
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