Table of Content
- Introduction
- Get AWS Managed Magento Hosting
- Hosting Magento Store on AWS
- Setting up Hosting Stack
- Magento Installation
- Conclusion
Choosing the right cloud infrastructure provider is the most important factor for your Magento store success. Without any doubt, AWS is the most secure, reliable and highly available with the best performance cloud provider.
You can host your Magento store directly to the AWS server, but you need some expertise in AWS with ongoing server and application maintenance and management activities. On the other hand, get AWS Managed Magento Hosting from hosting providers like Devrims. In this articles, I will explain both methods.
To get an e-commerce site up and running, follow this guide.
Get AWS Managed Magento Hosting
You can host your Magento store on an AWS server in a few clicks without worrying about hosting complexities. Devrims provider Magento Managed Hosting on the AWS server in a few clicks.
You just need to select the server size and enter your application details, server name, application name and credentials, then click on the Deploy button. Their platform will create an AWS server and install the Magento application with optimization. Devrims also provide a Free Website Migration.
Hosting Magento Store on AWS
Amazon Web Service is a cloud server provider for hosting different apps and websites. To host your Magento store on AWS, you must have some know-how of AWS platform and server management.
This article will explain how to host your Magento store on an AWS server. Follow the instructions mentioned below to host your website on AWS.
- You must first create an Amazon account.
- Now go to the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
- You will see the AWS services there. Click on the all services drop-down button and select the EC2 option.
- If you do not find the EC2 option there, you can search for it by entering the value in the Find Services box.
- It will take you to the EC2 dashboard.
- Now, go to the instances category; you can find it on the left side panel.
- After that, click on the launch instance button.
- Now, complete all the steps mentioned in the process one by one.
Step 01: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
You will have a list of all available operating systems; choose any OS you want to work on.
Step 02: Choose an Instance Type
Many instances will be available there with various properties. Choose one that matches your requirements and click on the Next: Configure Instance Details button.
Step 03: Configure Instance Details
Make changes if you have specific requirements for your machine. If all requirements are filled according to your wants, and there is nothing to change, you can skip this step.
Now, click on the Next: Add Storage button.
Step 04: Add Storage
Add the storage size for your instance as you want and click on the Next: Add Tags button.
Step 05: Add Tags
If you want to add tags, you can add them, and if you do not want to add tags, you can skip this step.
Go to Configure Security Group.
Step 06: Configure Security Group
You must ensure that each IP/PORT we require is allowed here to ensure the functionality of the application.
We will need ports 80/443 for HTTP/HTTPS connections, 22 for SSH, and 3306 for MySQL because we are hosting a Magento application.
Now, click on the Review and Launch button.
Step 07: Review Instance Launch
You will see all details of your instance; check it. Before launching an instance, you need to set the key pair name. Finally, click on the launch instance button.
We are done creating a server on AWS or launching an instance; you can see your created instance on the EC2 dashboard.
Setting up Hosting Stack
After creating an instance, we can now set up the Hosting Stack in the server.
A Web Server (Nginx), Database Server (MySQL), and PHP (7.2) are required for this, which is referred to as a Hosting Stack.
Using the command below, you may install the packages.
$ yum install -y nginx mysql-server php php-bcmath php-cli php-common php-fpm php-gd php-intl php-json php-mbstring php-mysqlnd php-pdo php-pecl-zip php-soap php-xml
Magento Installation
We can now install Magento on our Instance after setting up and configuring our hosting stack.
Install Magento on the Linux shell
Execute the given commands to install and setup Magento on Linux.
Install Compressor
# curl -sS <> | sudo php — –install-dir=/usr/bin –filename=composer
Download Magento
# cd /usr/share/nginx/html
# wget <>
Extrate the Content
# tar xvfz 2.3.5.tar.gz
Move the contents to the HTML directory and Set Permissions
# chown -R nginx.nginx .
# find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \\;
# find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \\;
# find ./var -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \\;
# find ./pub/media -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \\;
# find ./pub/static -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \\;
# chmod 777 ./app/etc;
# chmod 644 ./app/etc/*.xml;
Install Magento using CLI
Open the command prompt and use these commands to install Magento on Windows.
Install Compressor
# php /usr/bin/composer install
Set Magento details
# bin/magento setup:install –base-url= \\
–db-host=localhost –db-name=webmagento –db-user=webmagento –db-password=password \\
–admin-firstname=Web –admin-lastname=Magento – \\
–admin-user=admin –admin-password=admin123 –language=en_US \\
–currency=USD –timezone=America/Chicago –use-rewrites=0
Compile Magento
# php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Add the default file of Magento Configuration in nginx.config file
include /usr/share/nginx/html/nginx.conf.sample
In the end, restart the Nginx webserver. Congratulations! You have installed Magento on AWA successfully.
Follow the steps mentioned in the guide to install Magento on AWS.
You can also delegate this task to an expert, allowing you to focus on your business rather than technical details.
Feel free to contact us for further guidance. Thank You!